Finding Happiness and Joy


Happiness is an infectious blessing

Life is a journey with many ups and downs and finding happiness and joy is entirely in our hands amidst all the negativity around us and the hurdles we come across on every move we make. Nevertheless, we must try to bring happiness, joy, and peace into our lives with determination and courage. Unarguably, we know that happy people spread positive vibes wherever they go and naturally make other people who come into contact with them happy and relaxed too.  They create a very constructive environment with their positive vibes and that can benefit generally everyone.  They simply make the world a better place without expecting anything in return. 

Do money and wealth bring happiness?

There is no doubt that money improves living conditions and elevates social status but it doesn't in turn bring happiness on the same scale. If wealth can bring ultimate happiness, then all the super-rich people in the world must be the happiest of all.  Apparently, that is not the case as the super-rich themselves vouch that they yarn for simpler and uncomplicated lives with more happiness and less burden in their minds.  Materialistic people who chase wealth do miss out on quality time with their families, enjoying a hobby, or helping someone who is in need.   More than anything else, they are perpetually stressed out and not in a mindset to enjoy a peaceful moment.  

It is never too late to find happiness in life by changing your attitudes and habits.  The helpful tips listed below have never let me down in life, but always directed me on the right path and filled my heart with peace and happiness.

1) What am I grateful for today? Train your mind to focus on all the blessings in life

It is wonderful to feel truly blessed and blissful.  Also, filling your heart with gratitude for all the good things that happen in life will have an enormous positive impact on your body and soul.  If your mind is trained to focus on the positive things that happen from morning to noon, you will find numerous reasons to be happy and grateful on a daily basis.  

When little things such as a beautiful sunny day, a friendly 'hello' from someone, a little help from a colleague at the workplace, a simple compliment on your outfit, an achievement or an accomplishment, being able to make someone happy, could fill your heart with happiness, and you will be amazed that despite a few hurdles, the day is truly a blessed one.  These kinds of blessed days will soon become happy and blessed months and then add up to years. 

This kind of positive attitude towards life is indeed therapeutic and you must train your mind to focus mainly on the positivity around you.  Rather than running to the doctor and dousing yourself with so many harmful medicines, try this simple therapy by opening your heart to feel happy and grateful about any good things happening in life, and in no time you will be someone skipping on your feet with a sing-song heart.

2) Quality of Personal Relationships 

Humans are naturally social animals and maintaining a stable and strong relationship with one's family is a vital component of good health and well-being.  When a person is estranged from family, either physically or emotionally, he/she could become quite unstable in several aspects of life.  Embracing self-destructive habits such as smoking, taking life-threatening risks, indulging in unhealthy food and drinks, and various health issues such as high blood pressure, obesity, addictions, and depression could wreck his/her health.

Unquestionably, family and friends have the greatest effect on making us happy and stabilizing good health and well-being too.  Family rejoice in your success and stand by you in grief.  Also, connecting with your near and dear ones can iron out a lot of stress and grant you a lighter and happy heart that in turn contributes enormously to your good health.  In order to receive love and respect from your family, you must give them the same in abundance.  No one can expect good things to happen in life without giving the same to others as the famous saying goes, "What goes around, comes back around."

Today's preoccupation society with materialism and status inevitably results in the social alienation of people.  This could be very damaging, as a lack of healthy relationships among people can cause multiple social issues that can lead to devastating situations in society.  Hence, maintaining a healthy balance between your commitments to the family and your career is imperative. 

3) Being Charitable 

Mother Teresa's Photograph was taken at St Aloysius Church 19 I St NW, Washington, DC 20001 June 10, 1995

© copyright JohnMathewSmith

Mahatma Gandhi 

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                                                        Copyright: Credit: Dinodia Photos / Alamy Stock Photo

Helping out someone who is in need could bring enormous happiness and peace that can purify you within. 

It is fascinating to remind that scientific studies have proven that neurons associated with a sense of satisfaction in the brain start stimulating when a person chooses to donate money or possessions.  It is incredible that parting with your valuables could actually make you feel liberated and happy not remorseful. 

Giving could always not be about wealth, but a kind word to soothe someone's grief, just giving an ear to someone's ordeal without being judgmental, advice productively, or practically doing whatever you feel could bring solace to someone. Just a simple hug can make a great big difference to someone and in turn, you will emerge as a happier and contented soul.  After all, "no one has ever become poor from giving," as the famous saying goes!

4) "Healthy is new happy"

Healthy diet

Click on this link  for delicious and healthy salad recipes;

A healthy diet can lift your spirits and keep your smile intact.  It's a scientifically proven fact that healthy food contributes to physical well-being in turn has a great impact on your psychological well-being. Remember to add plenty of colorful fruits and veggies to your diet and try to prepare food at home as much as possible.  You must know what goes into the pot and have the assurance what you eat and feed your family will never cause them health issues.

Be brave to say "No" to Sugar  

It is not easy to avoid sugar altogether but reducing as much as possible is the first sensible step you could take because once you have consumed sugar, the damage is already done.  Sugar is highly addictive, hard to burn off, leads to weight gain, and is the root cause of a whole lot of health issues. Hence, it's never too late to say "No" to sugar.

Make a strong resolution to drop sugar consumption at least for two weeks.  Surprisingly, after two weeks your brain will reject sugar like poison and will curb your temptations and cravings for it too. 

The best news is that when you cut sugar out of your diet, there will be noticeable changes in your body, and eventually lift your moods up too.

You will look younger and more energetic - Less sugar intake will lead to reducing glucose and insulin spikes in your bloodstream and that will give you a natural glow in just two weeks that no artificial cosmetics can.  

You may feel happier - You might think grabbing a sugar-coated doughnut or an icing-filled piece of cake will make you happier, but researchers have proved that this kind of high consumption of sugar is linked to higher rates of depression.  Sugar will lift moods with an extreme sugar rush but brings down the moods at the same speed, making you crave more.  However, when you stop sugar, this fluctuation of moods will diminish gradually, bringing more stability and peace into your system.  

5) Regular exercise - "Lack of activity destroys the good condition of every human being" - Pluto

Being out and about is a key factor for everlasting happiness. Whatever the mood you are in, just step out in the open air, take a walk, and feel the difference.  It is important to walk every day to build up the stamina in your body.  The best news is, unlike a workout in the gym, you can walk anytime, anywhere inhaling as much as fresh air your lungs could hold and it is absolutely free.  Just 30min walk in a day can shake off all stress and anxiety and make you a happier person in no time.

Stay in tune with nature

Photography by Viyath Abeywardena

Nature - Autumn



Nature has the best healing therapy and it is absolutely free for us to take! No matter where we live, we can find nature.  Parks, woodlands or forests, river banks, canals, or beaches are all part of nature.  Just listen to nature's orchestra; the bird song, the rustle of winds caressing the leaves, the murmur of grass brushing against each other, the buzz of the bees, the ripples of water in brooks, and the rustle of bushes.  Focus on these magical sounds of nature, colours, and the ambiance while walking, and feel how easily you will feel uplifted and peaceful. You will know that you are in tune with nature when you start noticing these subtle sounds and changes in nature according to the seasons.  Spot the wildflowers in abundance and the bees dancing upon them, bird nests on top of trees, huge old trees standing proud and magnificent and there are so much more to feast your eyes upon. Just a short walk outdoors will set everything right for you mentally, physically, and emotionally.  Magic is just out there, for free.  Do not forget to grab it. 


Houseboat - Southall Canal - London - England

6) Pursue Compassion and forgiveness 

It is amazing that you will feel magically happy and light-hearted when you stop being judgemental towards others and accept them as they are and forgive them for their mistakes.  It is not an easy task when you have to deal with many different personalities on an everyday basis but if you are determined to be more accepting and generous in forgiving, your compassion towards others improves largely.  It actually benefits your mental and physical well-being in a great measure that can make you a happier person in return.

Spend time with children

Children, for instance, do not judge, like we adults do.  They are such pure souls, so innocent, and see the world with a clear eye.  Their thoughts and hearts are uncluttered and untarnished by various vices and prejudices in the world. Their minds are simply pure and transparent which is the very reason that they are so radiant.  Be kind to them and always accommodate them no matter how engaged you are with work.  Their non-judgemental, uncritical, and accepting ways will make you joyful, and light-hearted and inevitably make you smile a lot.  

Source: NHS - England


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