
Showing posts from December 18, 2022

Vitamin D - A life saver - Why Vitamin D is important?

My whole purpose in writing this article is to make you aware of the utmost importance of taking a vitamin D supplement to stay fit and healthy and keep numerous health issues at bay. I was fortunate as my doctor identified the real reason for my aching joints and muscles, low moods, and constant fatigue as a deficiency of vitamin D and immediately prescribed a high dose, which in turn sorted out all the problems before they develop into a stage of no return.   Many of you must be suffering from the symptoms listed below, but not know that they could just vanish within a few days of taking a  supplement of vitamin D.  However, if you ignore the warning signs and delay in taking vitamin D or consult a doctor and get professional advice, it can result in those symptoms aggravating into acute clinical problems that might need lifetime medications and numerous hospital visits followed by endless mental and physical agony.    Do children too need a vitamin D supplement?  When our body is ex