
Nasi Goreng

If you are looking for the perfect ideas for making your main meals a little more exciting,  I am sure this delicious range of different recipes listed on this page will greatly inspire you. I have always taken utmost care to feature my recipes as simple as possible, absolutely healthy, and memorably delicious!  

I personally believe that if any recipe demands a long list of ingredients and a detailed direction that features a time-consuming, strenuous cooking process, it will not be quite appealing to modern-day people, who lead extremely busy lives without the inclination to follow long recipes or simply have the patience to do so.   Also, recipes demanding that it is imperative to have certain kitchen equipment or some rare ingredients could be quite daunting even for someone who is not a novice in cooking.  

More to the point, if the "Joy of cooking" is lost in someone's heart it is not easy to establish it again. Hence, I have taken utmost care to feature my recipes as easy and joyful to make by breaking them down into steps.  Also, the relevant pictures that determine the steps will make the whole cooking process not a daunting task but purely, a "child's play"

Try my "Indonesian Nasi-Goreng recipe for a weekend meal and you
will not stop making it again and again.  And, whosoever tastes it will beg you the recipe.  Such a delicious, versatile dish having everything in it; meat, prawns, veggies, eggs, and lots of vegetables too


Pilchard Rice - One Pot Rice Dish with tinned Pilchards

Dumplings - Chinese Pork Dumplings - Best Ever



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